Our Philosophy

After teaching for over a decade, we at AMath Academy have seen many batches of students come and go. Mathematics as a subject has not changed much over the years, however, each batch of students brings with them their own unique set of challenges.

Despite the differences in our cohort from year to year, the one defining quality we have found in all students that excel is attitude. The A does not necessarily go to the most academically inclined student, but to the student who wants it the most. The right attitude goes a long way to securing the desired success, and what’s left is simply persistence and constant practice.

Aside from attitude, when a student doesn’t achieve good results we find that it has little to do with his or her academic inclinations, but their Mathematical foundations. At AMath Academy we tackle the root of the problem by strengthening the basic topics such as Algebra. Like building up anything in life, it is only once a solid foundation is formed can we move on to higher levels.

This process is arduous and requires a great deal of patience and persistence from both sides. It is always very rewarding to us when students start to see their grades improve, and gain a greater confidence for the subject as a result.